Lucy's Blog

Elastic Mobile E-Commerce Platform


Elastic Mobile E-Commerce (a.k.a. E-MEC) is an online-to-offline e-commerce platform. This platform entirely consolidates the online and offline shopping, so as to provide customers a natural and super-convenient shopping experience. Customers can use our APP to place dining-in order in advance, and then consume it after they come to the store and finish other shoppings. Customers can use our APP to scan the QRcode of a large furniture to purchase it online and deliver it home. Customers can still enjoy the offline shopping, and have salesperson place the order. So E-MEC has totally break through the barrier between online shopping and offline shopping.

Right now, this system has been adopted by several large malls and retailing stores in Shanghai, to facilitate their O2O digital transformation. It was exhibited in Shanghai New International Expo Center and gain great reputation.




Design & Architecture


Exhibition (data sanitized)